Are you buried in documents and records? Need to obtain medical records to support your legal case?
We can help!
med discovery+ llc is a medically-trained contract paralegal for your injury claim needs!
Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation, Medical Malpractice, Disability, Wrongful Death - We have experience in all these areas. Bill our contract services to your client at your usual paralegal rates, but without the out-of-pocket costs of an employee’s salary and benefits package.
We provide full pre-litigation and litigation support including “turn-key” medical discovery services for the following client types:

Whether your firm is a large multi-state operation or a one-person show, med discovery+ llc provides support for your injury cases or other cases involving medical issues. We provide an array services to assist you before and during litigation.
Claims Adjusters
As every adjuster knows, all claims do NOT need the full gamut of discovery. Our services are best utilized in the pre-litigation stage for “red-flag” claims with the goal of avoiding expensive litigation. However, when litigation does become a reality, our discovery work will provide your attorney with the most complete set of medical records and imaging possible, the best foundation on which to quickly build your case.
Insurance Adjusters, Self-Insured Employers, Risk Managers
We work directly with your staff claims adjusters or third-party administrators, either in-house or virtually, for their Alaska workers’ compensation and/or casualty/personal injury caseload, so they can remain available for what they do best – providing helpful service to claimants while keeping an eye on your bottom line!
Individuals Applying for Disability Benefits
We assist self-representing individuals by gathering and organizing their medical documentation required when applying to Social Security or the VA for disability benefits. We do NOT give legal advice or represent any person or entity in court or at hearings. We maintain strict adherence to Alaska Statute 08.08.230 - Unlawful Practice of Law.
med discovery+ llc
P.O. Box 244475, Anchorage, AK 99524
Ph 907-277-1328
Fax 907-277-4143
Email: [email protected]